Guys, a couple of y'all reached out to me asking why you lost posts 2 days ago and I owe everyone here a full explanation. The site was also down temporarily. In short, we're working behind the scenes to make this forum even more robust in the security department, eliminate the bots coming from Russia / Pakistan etc, and create the best user community possible.
When we updated the site something failed, and what would have been no interruption of service on your end actually deleted all of the data. The site constantly backs itself up, and reverted to a few minutes back on the clock to bring it back up.
I lost several posts, including a long one I wrote on the impact of indoor antennas that I had intended on sharing on AP. Hey, things happen, not like the knowledge is gone.
Anyhow, thanks for everything you're doing. Keep it up and know that I'm constantly working on making it bigger and better on my end!!